Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Happy Birthday Mike!

Michael Allen Boat

My big brother who died at the age of 30, on a fishing boat in Yakina Bay, Oregon. He would have been 45 years yesterday. When I went to his Memorial Service after his death I learned something about him I didn't know before. Bishop Kerr spoke and said that Mike had come to him about a month before his death and talked about his knowlege and his faith. He told Bishop Kerr that he knew the Gospel was true and that Jesus was his savior but that he didn't know how to find it all again. He felt his life had spun so far out of control that it was to late for him to come back. When I heard those words I knew that everything was ok and that so would he be. The song that was sung at her service was. "I Know that My Redeamer Lives" and now when ever I hear it or sing it on sunday my mind again wonders back to my big brother and I miss him all over again. Mike was a wonderful big brother, although he use to love to hold us down and tap on our foreheads over and over again. Yea fun for us too. Not.

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