Saturday, May 9, 2009

Youth Roadshow 2009

All the youth at church are given 3 weeks to come up with, practice, and preform a skit. The theme was. "Be an example unto the believers" Our kids did such a good job. They did a take off of West Side Story and called it West Stake Story. It was fun. They preformed it twice in one night in two buildings. Hence the name Roadshow. I was worried at first that it wouldn't come together but it did and was great. My girls were wonderful. And Sean was asked to step in for another boy Thursday night and the preformance was Friday night. He's actully to old for this now. The youth do Roadshow about every 6 years and its a blast when they get to do it. It was fun to be a part of. I was incharge of the scenes (Props) Fun stuff.

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